Layla Stator leaning on a white railing on the second floor in Politecnico di Milano

Layla's story

Layla Stanton has always immersed herself in communities and labs at the intersection of fashion and technology. She's confident that the connections she fostered at her summer research stay at Politecnico di Milano OPENLAB will be invaluable for her future studies and career. 

I worked in the Knitwear Lab at the Politecnico di Milano. My project involved experimenting on various knitting machines: Coppo, Silver Reed and Brother. I learned about the process of creating fully-fashioned, minimal waste garments and created my own knitwear pieces from design through fabrication. I also participated in design discussions about an innovative shading project which is a collaboration between the Knitwear and Architecture departments at PoliMi.

  • Layla Stanton standing in between her colleagues at Politecnico di Milano
My favorite part of my MISTI experience was the freedom that I felt allowed within my internship at PoliMi. The staff really focused on teaching me based on what I wanted to learn rather than some other project that I hadn't chosen. This dynamic allowed me to customize my experience and skills gained to what would be most useful in my academic and future career.
Layla Stanton '27
Layla Stanton posing on a bright sunny day with mountain peak silhouettes and green vines running along the steps
Major & Class
Mechanical Engineering, class of 2027
MISTI program
MISTI host
Politecnico di Milano
Milan, Italy
Melbourne Tang sitting down leaning on a single rail with Lake Como, a birds-eye view of the city of Como and mountain ranges

Melbourne's story